Tim Jackson has taken up this issue in this Ted Talk video and in his book Prosperity without Growth. Is there something for us to learn from this, so that the world can work together to tackle climate change, poised to ruin our children’s future.? His Ted Talk video below inspires HOPE.
We are hearing that the Global Community can’t do anything about Climate Change at the upcoming climate meeting in Durban because of the current economic crisis that is threatening Europe and America. The Norwegian Prime Minister feels that probably no global climate agreement will be reached until the climate changes hit the world with full force! This is not good news for the world.
Although it is clear that there is a big dilemma in the fact that the world is hoping for more growth in China, India and Brazil, to reduce poverty but it is exactly this potential growth that will make the climate crisis worse. There seems to be very little interest in trying to understand his dilemma and question the reason why we are so addicted to growth and what could be done about this.