This marks a new stepping out for me – to be more visible and write more from my own experience! I originally wrote this post on my Personal Process Page where I hadn’t written anything since last May. But when I saw it published in the old format, I realized that I wanted to start including these kinds of posts on the main page and plunged into sharing my personal process up front!
The last two HOPE posts blossomed out of our time in Thailand in January and February. It was a time of both making exciting new contacts and having much time for reflection. Another blossoming in Thailand was the new experience of playing with words to make them into formal poems. These poems seem to reflect both the physical and the spiritual experiences of my time there. They speak to the themes that I am investigating in my own personal development and to what I intuit is trying to evolve in human consciousness at this time.
I must admit that I feel vulnerable sharing these poems but understand that Daring Greatly comes from vulnerability and as Brene Brown says: “The Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead”. So here I go and perhaps this may actual transform me and who knows – maybe even encourage you to share your thoughts and personal expressions in the comments box below! Let’s all be risk takers and show our authentic selves!
The Beach
I walk briskly down the beach at low tide
Feeling at one with the breeze and the sky
Splashing a wake in the warm lapping waves
Touched by the sight of the light and blue haze.
Suddenly I’m struck with a wild knowing.
Yes- I am a spiritual being
Enjoying physical reality
Not a body seeking spirituality
I find myself wishing desperately
That we multi-colored humans could see
That the truth beyond culture’s tyranny,
Is the jewel of connectivity!
The Dream Maker
The Dream Maker awakens me in Thailand,
Weaving a story of my life each day
Out of my experience, small or grand,
Offering me a mirror where I can play.
Keep your outer boundaries transparent
Open the gates of your mind and heart wide.
Discover the connection inherent
In everything, although masked in disguise.
Is this the mystery we humans must solve?
Learning to read the magic formula,
And understand what’s trying to evolve
From the secrets hidden in trivia?
Cease judging both the familiar and strange
Comparing, excluding and acting proud.
Thinking you belong on a higher plane
When everyone is one and the same crowd.
I wonder what miracle might occur
If we understood this reality
To meet with openness – even what hurts
And get the whole point of duality.
Thai Rain
Thick haze hides the mountains and embraces
The trees with a humid breeze – secret signs
Of weather shifting mood. The sea agrees,
Stirring surf, swelling waves and cresting foam
In early dawn. By breakfast the sky sends
Rain on its way. Tip-toeing in, dripping
through the drain-pipes it takes captive the day.
A bright flash of lightning catches my eye
And rain splashes down with force from on high.
A gasp rises from the crowd as daylight
Becomes gloom. To add to the atmosphere
A thunderbolt booms a warning of charge
Scattering bathers at the pool, tourists
Set adrift with nothing to do. All eyes
On the torrents pounding with a clatter
Then abating, a mild pitter-patter.
And rising again with full force, great sheets
Of water crash down around us like wrath
People huddle staying out of its path.
What a cleansing and purification!
I wish it could melt my limitations,
Banish the old patterns clogging my brain,
Fully liberate myself with Thai rain.
WOW!! Your poems are fantastic, dear Mara! They give me “sprouting feathers” (goosebumps)… evoking strong images, sounds and feelings. Bravo for having the courage to share them. Can’t wait to see/hear you tomorrow!
Sending love to you and Trygve…
Thank you so much, Marilyn! I am very moved by your response. Support does help us all to dare greatly. Sprouting feathers – quite an image :-) Much love
Love your poems, Mara! So beautiful and full of depth. HOPE to hear more from the poet side of you!!
Oh, thank you so much, dear Tor. I so appreciate you taking time to express your response to the poems! Yes! HOPE to wake up my poet again here in Norway :-)
Lovely Mara. I am so glad you took the risk and put your personal thoughts on the Main Page. Great poems. I feel inspired by the first. It challenges, in a way, the thing that I have been preoccupied with recently: namely the awareness that I AM AN ANIMAL! I love letting myself really know that I (we ) am an animal – an extraordinary one – but an animal.
Now you are saying No, we are spiritual beings – just enjoying a period of being an animal. I like the word ‘enjoying’. I will have to sit with that and see how it feels.
I love hearing your responses, dear Charlotte! Funny enough I have also been allowing the pleasure of being an “animal” fully into my consciousness these days! Yes, interesting the word “enjoying” came into this poem. It is all unfolding and we are trying to keep up, it seems to me. Thank you so much for taking time to post. Looking forward to seeing you soon!