Clouds Over Water
When will I penetrate
the labyrinth of roots
reaching down
into the darkness of my soul?
The sun wavers.
Chaos in the sky.
Clouds over water
swirl and smear.
Harsh brightness breaks through.
Warnings of coming rain.
Dark and light.
Sorrow and joy.
Feet on the earth.
Finding the animal paths
in the woods and the sky.
Muddy ground, cool air.
I study the dark shadows.
Squint at the brightness.
Touching the truth
I forget my name.
I often feel like I am walking a tightrope between hope and hopelessness as I try to fulfill the promise of this website. I have come to the conclusion that I need both of these feelings to be a true source of change.
If we rely too much on hope, we put our trust in others and don’t feel that we as individuals need to do anything to help mitigate climate change. Recent research shows that the majority of people believe that a technological solution will save the world. Much more than this is needed. We must dare to look at the fact that our current ways of living, our current economic system, growing inequality and climate change are deeply intertwined. Facing this might lead to a sense of hopelessness.
We also need to balance these facts by finding inspiration from positive actions of ordinary people that are already moving us forward into the New Story of the World. Some actions are of a spiritual nature. They lead us to go beyond our own personal self-concern to identifying with the totality of earth. Others are about innovative new energy sources, new ways of creating equality and new economic systems.
As a retired person I have the time to do the deep research which reveals difficult information. Then I try to find a way to share with others which is also difficult. To do all of this, I must dare to allow both the hopelessness when it comes as well as dig up positive projects and follow the path of beauty in my poetic expression, all of which helps me to find hope again.
I have decided to illuminate these feelings of hopeful and hopeless with two articles.
Naomi Klein presents a hopeful and passionate summation of the current world situation in her recent speech at Pope Francis’ Climate Change Conference in Rome. You can read the text of Naomi’s speech and find a video of all the presentations on this link.
By accepting and assimilating both sides of the equation, we continue to walk the tightrope between hope and hopelessness until we find a way to make a difference.
I hope you join me.